
Redhead Open Day Sunday Sessions

About Sensei Rebecca Hunt’s FREE Sunday sessions:

9:00am-9:45am – Moving Mindfulness

Description: Exploring how martial arts can provide a form of meditation through movement.


Breathing exercises to ground and centre.Exploring the effectiveness of being grounded and using breath through various physical exercises. Discuss how people find these exercises. Highlight that sometimes these methods don’t work for everyone. Ishizen and Hachidoko (traditional Chitokai karate moving meditation sets), and then practical partner drills from the Rock and Water program.

10:00-10:45am – Connection to Self and Others

Description: Understanding your connection to your body and mind, and then also being able to understand how to connect with others.


This is a condensed version of the Women’s Empowerment program. First, focus on body awareness (connecting to the previous class). This is reiterating standing strong, balancing, etc. Simple partner drills from the Rock and Water program that involve both empathy and trust concepts.Connecting to your body and being comfortable, aware, and strong.

Move to partner drills from the Rock and Water program and the Womens Empowerment program that involve finding your inner strength.

11:00am-11:45am – Basic Self-Defence

Description: Going over basic self-defence skills, including wrist escapes, blocking, and basic attacks.


Practical escapes from wrist grabs and effective blocking drills. Basic punching, elbows, open hand strikes, kicking on bags. Basic self defence sets against habitual acts of violence against women, from the Hunter Fight Fit program (such as escaping chokes, bear hugs, wrist escapes, collar grab, etc).

12:00-12:45pm – Arnis Basics Workshop

Description: Exploring the fundamentals of a martial arts utilising weapons, in particular the art of Filipino stick fighting.

Details: Strikes/Blocks/Disarms/Counters

Redhead Open Day Sunday Sessions

Book into Sunday Funday sessions at Redhead’s Open Day

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