
HVMAC Redhead

Address: Unit 2/6 Seasands Drive
Redhead 2290

Phone: (02) 4942 6656

Hunter Valley Martial Arts Centre Redhead

Our centre in Redhead is a direct branch of the Warners Bay Headquarters, owned by Sensei Anna Hayes and Mel Hayes, and run by their teaching team of Sensei Joel Holland, Sensei Kaia Hayes, Sensei Neve Elliot and Sempai Davie McEwan. Our instructors encourage learning and growth through evidence based curriculum and there is a strong emphasis on wellbeing.

Sensei Joel began training as a Dynamite when the Redhead centre was located in Belmont North, Sensei Kaia began training as a Kindymite at the Warners Bay centre, and Sensei Neve began as a Dragon at the Morisset centre.  They are passionate instructors, providing their vast experience and caring support to the Redhead students. With the added support of Sempai Davie McEwan who runs the BJJ beginner program, and Mat Rats, together they run a family oriented centre with a growing group of dedicated students, creating a wonderful learning atmosphere and a welcoming dojo for students of all ages and their families.

Age specific classes include:

Minimites (3 & 4 years) and Kindymites (5 & 6 years) combined

Dynamites (6-9 years)

Dragons (9-14 years)

Adults (14+ years)

Matayoshi Kobudo (Okinawan Weaponry) 

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (14+ years)

Mat Rats (6-14 years)


Come down and see our friendly staff and join our martial arts family today!

HVMAC is a registered Active Kids Provider!

Book your free intro session now!
HVMAC Redhead Training Schedule
Joel Holland
Shidoin | Senior Instructor

Sensei Joel began karate in 2007, achieved his Dynamites black belt in 2009, and his Senior Sandan in 2022. He achieved his Kobudo Nidan  in 2023. Sensei Joel was in the NSW state team in 2020.

Kaia Hayes
Instructor | Assistant Program Director

Sensei Kaia began karate at the age of three in 2006. 

Sensei Kaia joined the NSW state team, Australian Karate Federation, at age 12 in 2015 and competed for NSW for six years. 

Kaia is studying a Bachelor of Psychology at the University of Newcastle. 

Davie McEwan
BJJ Instructor

Sempai Davie teaches Mat Rats and adults BJJ at Redhead. He achieved his blue belt in March of 2023 under Sensei Kelie Fisher. He is also a 1st kyu in karate at HVMAC. Sempai Davie also trains in the Hunter Fight Fit program and has extensive training experience in MMA and boxing. 

Ashley Weston
Assistant Instructor

Sempai Ashley is an advanced Chitokai karate student, and also trains in Okinawan Kobudo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. 

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Other Locations

Green Hills



Warners Bay