The Kindymites program is a unique program developed by Sensei Sandy Hayes. Drawing on her experience with early child care pedagogy as a primary school teacher, and in consultation with other instructors and children’s gym teachers, Sensei Sandy has developed a program that focuses on:
Your child will not only learn the ABC’s of self defence, but more importantly, the ABC’s of life – Attitude, Behaviour and Character.
Sensei Sandy’s specially developed mat chats where children explore the values and beliefs that martial arts training reveals, such as honesty, gratitude, respect, courtesy, perseverance and compassion.
Be amazed as your children, through increased focus and confidence become unstoppable in their quest for;
Our Kindymites have the option to train once or twice a week, but for the best improvement and development, we recommend twice a week.
If your child is too young for Kindymites, you might like to try them in Minimites.