
HSC Time Is Coming

HSC Time Is Coming

HSC time is coming….Thank God for Karate! As if we didn’t need a reminder, especially those parents of year 11 and 12 students, which for us is two of our three daughters. I’m soooo glad for their Karate teaching and training otherwise things would get way too tense, testy, and off kilter at home! I can see It’s really helping them to balance their mental and physical health, their time management and responsibilities, and their social balance. They seem to be grounded and are choosing a positive perspective. I know many students that drop their sporting activities when they get to year 11 and 12 to focus on their HSC, and although this case by case decision can be legitimate, I for one feel that there is an enormous amount of pressure put on our young people and am so happy when I see our fine young adults students continue their training through these challenging years. What better way to learn to use physical exercise and mental focus as a coping mechanism during the tough challenging times, of which I’m sure that for them this won’t be the last! Good luck to all our students finalising assignments and preparing for their HSC ! Gambatte! ( Japanese:”Go for it!”)

– Shihan