
Achieve your Goals

Unleash your Potential at Hunter Valley Martial Arts Centre

How can you do this?

1. Keep the big picture in mind. Every full time studio has a large sign on the wall that reads, “We are a Black Belt School”

This means we support you in your  journey from white belt all the way to black and beyond, with great facilities and professional, highly qualified instructors.

HVMAC_Stance2_slider_main2. We also display large signs to remind our students that “Goals we Set are Goals we Get“. We believe that is important to set reachable goals. At HVMAC we test and grade our students regularly, so that you receive constant feedback and affirmation at every step along the way to black belt.

3. Share your goals. Our gradings are exciting and open celebrations of achievement, where the whole family is invited to attend, to witness your journey in martial arts.

4. Never give up. The most important ingredient of success is perseverance. Each of our centres displays a third large sign that reads’ “A Black Belt is a White Belt who Never Gave Up.”

Now, all you have to do is get started, by picking up the phone and booking your first free introduction. We will join you in your journey as you find and unleash your potential in personal fitness, confidence, mindfulness, focus and self control.

HVMAC Philosophy